Kukuh Ferlanda

Kukuh Ferlanda

Ternyata Beda, Ini 5 Perbedaan Candil dan Biji Salak

Ternyata Beda, Ini 5 Perbedaan Candil dan Biji Salak

Banyak lho yang mengira kalau candil dan biji salak itu jajanan yang sama. Kamu juga termasuk? Gak heran sih, soalnya kedua makanan ini memang punya tampilan yang mirip dan sama-sama disajikan dengan kuah santan yang manis dan gurih. Keduanya juga sering dijadikan...

How to Choose Sweet and Fresh Blewah for Iftar

How to Choose Sweet and Fresh Blewah for Iftar

Blewah is a real crowd-pleaser during Ramadan. This fruit is just perfect to enjoy, especially when served cold at iftar! Do you like turning blewah into a refreshing drink for breaking your fast? You’ve probably had that moment when a blewah looked great on the...

Signs of Rotten Dates to Look Out for Before Buying

Signs of Rotten Dates to Look Out for Before Buying

Dates, the sweet and nutrient-rich fruit, are always a favorite, especially during Ramadan. But did you know that not all dates that look good in the market are still safe to eat? Rotten dates not only ruin the eating experience but can also pose health risks. That’s...