As more and more people are turning to a healthy lifestyle, many unfamiliar terms about diet have also begun to spring up. One of the terms commonly found these days is “real food”, which is believed to support a healthy lifestyle. Even real food is said to support weight loss programs. But what is real food? Is real food really healthy?
What is real food?
Real food literally means real or actual food. Real food is any food that comes from nature, whether plant or animal based. These include beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and grains.
These foods undergo minimal processing, with limited use or omission of sugar, salt, and additives. It means, the final products that we consume don’t look and taste too different from those of the original ingredients.
Why is real food considered better? Because these foods are one hundred percent made by nature, they’re easier for our body to digest, absorb, and turn into energy.
Real food is better combined to fulfill our needs for various nutrients. As we know, foods that come from plants are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water. Meanwhile, animal-based foods are a good source of protein.
While they are considered healthy, animal-based real foods should still be limited. Meat, especially red meat, is a source of saturated fat that can increase the risk of obesity and heart disease if consumed excessively.
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With a combination that consists of mostly plant source and some animal source, we can get a balanced amount of nutrients, protein and fiber. This way, we can feel fuller for longer and be more careful when deciding what to eat next. The more in control we are over our food intake, the easier it will be for us to get a healthy body and ideal weight.
What is the difference between real food and processed food?
Processed food is usually made by adding wheat flour, sugar, salt, and additives. Such as artificial flavors, artificial colors, and preservatives to improve taste, color, texture, and extend its shelf life.
Examples of processed food are sausages, bread, cheese, biscuits, bottled sauces, and bottled juices.
In terms of taste, processed food is richer and more appetizing. But this type of food generally contains high calories without adequate nutrition. So eating a lot of processed food only makes you full without giving your body the nutrients it needs.
In addition, the additives used like sugar and excess salt can cause health problems. These include obesity, cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and many other chronic diseases.
4 ways to increase real food consumption
1. Bring a grocery list
Plan what you’re going to cook and what the ingredients are. Keep a shopping list with you when you go to the market or supermarket. This prevents you from forgetting to buy what you really need. You will also be more resistant to the temptation of processed food and other ingredients that you don’t really need.
2. Read the nutrition label
The truth is, not all processed foods are bad. For some foods, processing is necessary to make them easier for our bodies to digest. For example, oatmeal needs to be processed for it to absorb water faster, so you can enjoy it within minutes.
So before buying certain food items, always check the nutrition label and composition list. Most importantly, research what your food is made of. Avoid them if they contain high amounts of sugar, salt and additives.
3. Don’t immediately avoid all processed foods
As people have started to realize the importance of healthy living, many food manufacturers have also started to provide healthy products. Nowadays, there are many ready-to-eat products that undergo minimal processing. These foods can be an option for those of you who are super busy but want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
4. Enhance the taste with FiberCreme
Make your real food delicious and healthier with FiberCreme. An alternative to coconut milk and dairy milk, the versatile powder ingredient adds creaminess, fiber, no lactose and 0mg of cholesterol to your dishes.
With FiberCreme in your daily food, it’s easier for you to meet your daily fiber needs. Plus, FiberCreme also has low sugar and low glycemic index, which makes it safe for people with diabetes.
Want to start serving healthy and delicious dishes with real food and FiberCreme? Follow @FiberCreme and @FiberCreme_TV on Instagram! Also, find out more about this product by clicking here!