To lots of people, bacteria are often seen as microorganisms behind various diseases. But did you know that not all bacteria are pathogenic? There are types of good bacteria that doesn’t only live in your body, but are also considered very important for your health. And the most surprising part is, there are MILLIONS of them in your digestion, including probiotics bacteria that play a big role in processing food in your digestive system.
Prebiotics are naturally found colonizing your guts. To maintain the balance of the bacteria living in your colon, and subsequently keep many digestive problems away, these bacteria has to keep on living, growing and reproducing. You can also improve the number of the bacteria by consuming fermented foods like yogurt, tofu, tempeh and kimchi.
So, what is prebiotics? While the two terms may sound similar, prebiotics and prebiotics are fundamentally different. Prebiotics aren’t microorganism. They’re the nutrients needed by probiotics so they can keep your digestion healthy. Shortly, prebiotics acts as a food or fertilizer for probiotics.
Scientifically, prebiotics are fiber that your body cannot digest. They can only be processed by prebiotics bacteria which will turn them into substances that doesn’t only help the digestion to work better, but also optimize the mineral absorption and improve your immune system.
So if you’re still wondering which ones are more beneficial to your health, prebiotics and probiotics are equally important to your digestion. You can get prebiotics from comsuming high-fiber fruits like apples and bananas, as well as oats, garlics, shallots and broccoli, though you can now have an easier and more fun way to feed those good bacteria in your colon: through FiberCreme.
Made of oligosaccharide and virgin coconut oil that’s free of trans fat, the multi-purpose creamer can be added to any dishes and beverages to make them tastier and creamier, while also providing more prebiotics to improve the digestion. FiberCreme is free of cholesterol and has low glycemic index, so it’s safe for anyone with diabetes. Since it’s also lactose-free, FiberCreme can be an alternative for children who can’t consume milk due to lactose intolerance.
FiberCreme is now available in convenient stores like Indomaret and Alfamidi, as well as supermarkets like Hero, Super Indo, Hypermarket, Giant and more. You can also purchase it online through platforms like,,,, dan