6 Unexpected Causes of blood Sugar Spikes. Beware of No. 4!

Blood sugar spikes can be very alarming, especially to people with diabetes. Indeed, diabetic people should keep their glucose level under control to help them avoid complications. Some complications that may occur include kidney failure, nerve damage, vision damage,...

High cholesterol due to fiber? Bener Gak Sih?

Is it true that fiber can reduce cholesterol? The food we consume has an important role in lowering cholesterol levels in the body. One type of food that is believed to be good for lowering cholesterol is one that contains high fiber. But does fiber really have...

No drugs, here are 8 easy ways to lower blood sugar naturally

It is important that we keep our blood sugar levels normal. But if your blood sugar level has already been detected high, let’s do the following easy ways to lower blood sugar! Some ways to lower blood sugar The first is with medical drugs such as metformin. In...

5 Ways to Process Vegetables for a Tasty and Healthy Diet

Processing vegetables for a diet is a challenge for many people. The wrong way to prepare or cook them, vegetables can actually lose their nutritional value and even increase weight. For those who want to try processing vegetables for a diet so that the results are...