What Is Real Food? Can It Really Help You Lose Weight?

As more and more people are turning to a healthy lifestyle, many unfamiliar terms about diet have also begun to spring up. One of the terms commonly found these days is “real food”, which is believed to support a healthy lifestyle. Even real food is said to support...

Juice and Smoothie, Which Is Better for Diet?

Juices and smoothies are perfect choices for health-conscious people or those on a diet. These beverages are believed to conveniently give us the benefits of fruits and vegetables. But is that so? How to tell juice and smoothie apart? Before we delve deeper into the...

Don’t Do iI! These 5 Sports Are Not for Obese People

In addition to paying attention to the food consumed, people with obesity are usually also advised to exercise to burn excess calories. But apparently, not all types of exercise are suitable for people with obesity!  Obese people are strongly discouraged from doing...