Ditha Heriananda Putri

Ditha Heriananda Putri


Resep Ayam Kodok, Cocok untuk Hampers Natal dan Tahun Baru

Resep Ayam Kodok, Cocok untuk Hampers Natal dan Tahun Baru

Resep Ayam Kodok, Cocok untuk Hampers Natal dan Tahun Baru   Apa sih yang bikin Natal dan Tahun Baru semakin berkesan? Selain kumpul bareng keluarga, tentu saja hidangan spesial yang bisa dinikmati bersama! Salah satu menu klasik yang nggak pernah gagal mencuri...

Ayam Kodok Recipe: Perfect for Christmas and New Year Hampers

Ayam Kodok Recipe: Perfect for Christmas and New Year Hampers

What makes Christmas and New Year celebrations even more memorable? Besides spending time with family, it’s the special dishes to enjoy together! One timeless classic that always grabs attention is Ayam Kodok. Curious why this dish remains a favorite? Let’s dive into...

Resep Puding Roti Tawar

Resep Puding Roti Tawar

  Resep Puding Roti Tawar Kalau punya roti tawar yang hampir kadaluwarsa dan belum sempat kemakan, resep ini buat kalian! Atau kalau pengen bikinin si kecil cemilan buatan rumah biar gak jajan di luar melulu, kalian juga boleh banget coba resep puding roti tawar...

Bread Pudding Recipe

Bread Pudding Recipe

Bread Pudding Recipe Got some almost-expired bread lying around that you haven’t had a chance to eat? This recipe is for you! Or, if you want to make your little ones a homemade snack to keep them from snacking outside too often, you should definitely try this bread...

Easy Japanese Curry Recipe, Perfect for Kids Who Hate Veggies

Easy Japanese Curry Recipe, Perfect for Kids Who Hate Veggies

Easy Japanese Curry Recipe, Perfect for Kids Who Hate Veggies Japan also has its own version of curry as a signature dish! Unlike Indonesian curry, Japanese curry is thick, creamy, and typically served with meat and various vegetables. Sounds like a great way to boost...