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How to Store Mangoes to Ripen Quickly: Easy Tips for Sweet and Delicious Mangoes

Who loves mangoes? This tropical fruit is a favorite for many because of its sweet and refreshing taste. But there are times when you buy mangoes, and they’re still hard and far from being ripe. Eating them too soon makes them sour and less enjoyable. Instead of...

How to Store Banana Leaves to Last for Months

If you often cook Indonesian dishes, you're surely familiar with banana leaves, right? These leaves are often the go-to for wrapping various traditional dishes like pepes, lemper, or lontong. For those of you who like to stock up on banana leaves, have you ever...

How to Fry Cashews into Perfectly Crispy and Delicious Festive Treats

How to Fry Cashews Perfectly  Frying cashews might seem simple, but if done carelessly, you may end up with overly burnt or undercooked cashews. Follow these practical and easy steps to master the art of frying cashews: 1. Soak Cashews in Salt Water Before frying,...