Bagaimana rasanya ketika perut sudah keroncongan, tapi pas buka rice cooker dan disambut bau asam dari nasi yang sudah basi? Padahal rice cookernya masih nyala dan seharusnya nasi aman-aman aja. Tapi marah tidak membuat perutmu langsung kenyang kok. Nah, daripada...

Ditha Heriananda Putri
Causes of Rice Going Bad Quickly in a Rice Cooker: Why Does It Happen?
Imagine getting super hungry and opening the rice cooker only to find your rice has gone bad. Even though the rice cooker is still on and should keep the rice safe. But getting angry won't fill your stomach. So, instead of wasting energy being upset, let's find out...
Bukan Hanya Menyegarkan, Ini Manfaat Cincau Hijau untuk Kesehatan
Ada satu bahan tradisional yang sering kita jumpai di jajanan atau minuman segar, tapi manfaatnya sering kali terlupakan. Yup, itu dia cincau hijau! Dari teksturnya yang kenyal sampai sensasi dingin dan menyegarkan, cincau hijau bukan sekadar minuman segar pelepas...
Not Just Refreshing, Here Are the Health Benefits of Green Grass Jelly
There’s one traditional ingredient often found in snacks or refreshing drinks, yet its benefits are often overlooked. Yes, it’s green grass jelly! From its chewy texture to the cool and refreshing sensation, green grass jelly isn’t just a thirst-quencher. Beneath its...
Perbedaan Ronde dan Angsle, Minuman Hangat Buat Teman di Musim Hujan
Musim hujan memang paling nikmat ditemani minuman hangat. Setuju? Nah di Indonesia negeri kita tercinta ini, ada dua minuman tradisional yang populer saat hujan dan cuaca dingin: ronde dan angsle. Keduanya sering menjadi pilihan untuk menghangatkan tubuh. Buat yang...
Differences Between Ronde and Angsle, Warm Beverages Perfect for the Rainy Season
The rainy season is best enjoyed with a warm drink, don’t you agree? In Indonesia, our beloved country, there are two traditional beverages that are especially popular during rainy and cold weather: ronde and angsle. Both are commonly chosen to warm up the body. For...
Banyak Gizi, Aman Buat Si Kecil, Ini 6 Ikan yang Tidak Banyak Duri
Buat kalian yang sering memasak untuk keluarga, terutama yang punya anak kecil, memilih jenis ikan bisa jadi tantangan tersendiri. Salah satu masalah yang sering muncul adalah duri ikan yang banyak berukuran kecil dan sulit dihilangkan. Selain bikin ribet saat makan,...
Nutritious and Safe for Kids: Here Are 6 Types of Fish with Little to No Bones
If you're someone who often cooks for your family, especially if you have little ones, choosing the right type of fish can be quite a challenge. One common issue is dealing with fish that has lots of tiny, hard-to-remove bones. Not only does it make mealtimes more...
How to Store Mangoes to Ripen Quickly: Easy Tips for Sweet and Delicious Mangoes
Who loves mangoes? This tropical fruit is a favorite for many because of its sweet and refreshing taste. But there are times when you buy mangoes, and they’re still hard and far from being ripe. Eating them too soon makes them sour and less enjoyable. Instead of...