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High cholesterol due to fiber? Bener Gak Sih?

by | Apr 27, 2024 | ARTIKEL, Update

Is it true that fiber can reduce cholesterol? The food we consume has an important role in lowering cholesterol levels in the body. One type of food that is believed to be good for lowering cholesterol is one that contains high fiber. But does fiber really have anything to do with cholesterol? Discover the facts by continuing to read this article!

What is cholesterol? Is cholesterol dangerous?

First of all, let’s find out what cholesterol is!

The body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to produce body cells, vitamins, and hormones because cholesterol is a wax-like substance. However, foods that contain saturated fats and trans fats cause the body to produce excess cholesterol. It is this excess cholesterol that adversely affects health.

Also Read: Many don’t know, this processed red bean can make cholesterol kapok!

This cholesterol can form plaques in the blood vessels and interfere with the circulation of blood that carries oxygen throughout the body. If left untreated, these plaques will continue to thicken and further restrict oxygen supply to important organs. These plaques can also cause thickening of blood vessel walls and blood clots that can result in heart attacks and strokes.

Can fiber really reduce cholesterol levels?

In fact, fiber can indeed lower cholesterol. The fiber present in the body will bind to cholesterol in the small intestine and prevent it from entering the bloodstream. After that, the fiber will remove the cholesterol from the body through the stool.

Fiber also reduces excess cholesterol by binding to bile acids. The body makes bile acids, which digest fats from food, using cholesterol as one of the main components. After fiber binds bile acids, the body has to make new bile acids using cholesterol. This results in a reduction in the amount of excess cholesterol.

How much fiber is needed to reduce cholesterol?

Each person needs an average of 25-30 grams of fiber per day. This is equivalent to eating 6-7 apples, 10 bananas, or 20 carrots every day.

Also Read: Can Lower Cholesterol, These Benefits of Chocolate for Health!

To make it easier for us to increase our fiber consumption, we can also add FiberCreme to our daily meals and drinks. In addition to increasing fiber content, FiberCreme also has a creamy and delicious taste that makes it suitable for mixing into various dishes ranging from chicken opor, pasta, to smoothies.

Find out more about what FiberCreme is by clicking here and inspiration for delicious, high-fiber dishes on FiberCreme_TV Instagram.


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